
breakLeaves a loop or switch statement early.
defaultSpecifies code to run in a switch statement when none of the cases match the condition.
funcIndicates the start of a function declaration.
interfaceDeclares a set of methods that a type must implement to satisfy the interface.
selectUsed to choose between different channels for communication.
caseOne of the possible options in a switch statement.
deferDelays the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns.
goLaunches a new goroutine, which is a lightweight thread of execution.
mapA built-in type that associates values with keys.
structDefines a collection of fields that belong together.
chanA channel type used for inter-goroutine communication.
elseExecutes code if the if statement condition is false.
gotoJumps to a labeled statement in the same function.
packageDeclares the name of the package that the file belongs to.
switchEvaluates an expression and chooses a case to execute based on its value.
constDefines a constant value that cannot be changed.
fallthroughForces execution into the next case in a switch statement (use sparingly).
ifBegins an if statement for conditional execution.
rangeIterates over elements in an array, slice, string, map, or channel.
typeDeclares a new type, possibly based on an existing type.
continueSkips the current iteration of a loop and moves to the next one.
forBegins a loop or range statement for repetitive execution.
importImports packages from other modules.
returnExits the function and returns a value to the caller.
varDeclares a variable with an optional initial value.

don't study this list too much right now. It might be a good reference for later.